Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Its been a longer time since I've updated my blog. I feel like I've let down the blogging community. I hope all my readers (ha ha the 3 who maybe read this) haven't completely given up checking my blog. Now for a little update....

I returned to the land of my birth(Corvallis, OR) for Christmas. It was a quite Christmas as I was the only one home for Christmas. My mom and I spent most of the day at my sister's place playing with her kids and their new toys. While I was home I got to see a bunch of old friends. I got together with some of my best high school friends at American Dream Pizza. Also someone from my high school had a great idea of organizing a CV alumni get together. At around 8pm people started trickling into the peacock in downtown Corvallis. Some of the faces I instantly recognized and some I had to do double takes before it hit me. I was fun seeing old friends which brought back wonderful memories of the 4 years I walked the halls of CV.
The three bones are re-united once again.
Rachel, Michelle, Dom, Marc and I

Marc is the first of the crew to get married and have a Kid!

Dinner at American Dream Pizza